reduce_dimensions() takes as input A `tbl` (with at least three columns for sample, feature and transcript abundance) or `SummarizedExperiment` (more convenient if abstracted to tibble with library(tidySummarizedExperiment)) and calculates the reduced dimensional space of the transcript abundance.

  .element = NULL,
  .feature = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  .dims = 2,
  top = 500,
  of_samples = TRUE,
  transform = log1p,
  scale = TRUE,
  action = "add",
  log_transform = NULL

# S4 method for spec_tbl_df
  .element = NULL,
  .feature = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  .dims = 2,
  top = 500,
  of_samples = TRUE,
  transform = log1p,
  scale = TRUE,
  action = "add",
  log_transform = NULL

# S4 method for tbl_df
  .element = NULL,
  .feature = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  .dims = 2,
  top = 500,
  of_samples = TRUE,
  transform = log1p,
  scale = TRUE,
  action = "add",
  log_transform = NULL

# S4 method for tidybulk
  .element = NULL,
  .feature = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  .dims = 2,
  top = 500,
  of_samples = TRUE,
  transform = log1p,
  scale = TRUE,
  action = "add",
  log_transform = NULL

# S4 method for SummarizedExperiment
  .element = NULL,
  .feature = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  .dims = 2,
  top = 500,
  of_samples = TRUE,
  transform = log1p,
  scale = TRUE,
  action = "add",
  log_transform = NULL

# S4 method for RangedSummarizedExperiment
  .element = NULL,
  .feature = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  .dims = 2,
  top = 500,
  of_samples = TRUE,
  transform = log1p,
  scale = TRUE,
  action = "add",
  log_transform = NULL



A `tbl` (with at least three columns for sample, feature and transcript abundance) or `SummarizedExperiment` (more convenient if abstracted to tibble with library(tidySummarizedExperiment))


The name of the element column (normally samples).


The name of the feature column (normally transcripts/genes)


The name of the column including the numerical value the clustering is based on (normally transcript abundance)


A character string. The dimension reduction algorithm to use (PCA, MDS, tSNE).


An integer. The number of dimensions your are interested in (e.g., 4 for returning the first four principal components).


An integer. How many top genes to select for dimensionality reduction


A boolean. In case the input is a tidybulk object, it indicates Whether the element column will be sample or transcript column


A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity


A boolean for method="PCA", this will be passed to the `prcomp` function. It is not included in the ... argument because although the default for `prcomp` if FALSE, it is advisable to set it as TRUE.


A character string. Whether to join the new information to the input tbl (add), or just get the non-redundant tbl with the new information (get).


Further parameters passed to the function prcomp if you choose method="PCA" or Rtsne if you choose method="tSNE"


DEPRECATED - A boolean, whether the value should be log-transformed (e.g., TRUE for RNA sequencing data)


A tbl object with additional columns for the reduced dimensions

A tbl object with additional columns for the reduced dimensions

A tbl object with additional columns for the reduced dimensions

A tbl object with additional columns for the reduced dimensions

A `SummarizedExperiment` object

A `SummarizedExperiment` object


`r lifecycle::badge("maturing")`

This function reduces the dimensions of the transcript abundances. It can use multi-dimensional scaling (MDS;, principal component analysis (PCA), or tSNE (Jesse Krijthe et al. 2018)

Underlying method for PCA: prcomp(scale = scale, ...)

Underlying method for MDS: limma::plotMDS(ndim = .dims, plot = FALSE, top = top)

Underlying method for tSNE: Rtsne::Rtsne(data, ...)

Underlying method for UMAP:

df_source = .data

# Filter NA symbol filter(!!.feature

# Prepare data frame distinct(!!.feature,!!.element,!!.abundance)

# Filter most variable genes keep_variable_transcripts(top) reduce_dimensions(method="PCA", .dims = calculate_for_pca_dimensions, action="get" ) as_matrix(rownames = quo_name(.element)) uwot::tumap(...)


counts.MDS =
 tidybulk::se_mini |>
 identify_abundant() |>
 reduce_dimensions( method="MDS", .dims = 3)
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> Getting the 182 most variable genes
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results do `attr(..., "internals")$MDS`

counts.PCA =
 tidybulk::se_mini |>
 identify_abundant() |>
 reduce_dimensions(method="PCA", .dims = 3)
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> Getting the 182 most variable genes
#> Fraction of variance explained by the selected principal components
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   `Fraction of variance`    PC
#>                    <dbl> <int>
#> 1                 0.598      1
#> 2                 0.302      2
#> 3                 0.0852     3
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results do `attr(..., "internals")$PCA`