Downloads a parquet database of the Human Cell Atlas metadata to a local cache, and then opens it as a data frame. It can then be filtered and passed into get_single_cell_experiment() to obtain a SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment

  remote_url = DATABASE_URL,
  cache_directory = get_default_cache_dir(),
  use_cache = TRUE



Optional character vector of length 1. An HTTP URL pointing to the location of the parquet database.


Optional character vector of length 1. A file path on your local system to a directory (not a file) that will be used to store metadata.parquet


Optional logical scalar. If TRUE (the default), and this function has been called before with the same parameters, then a cached reference to the table will be returned. If FALSE, a new connection will be created no matter what.


A lazy data.frame subclass containing the metadata. You can interact with this object using most standard dplyr functions. For string matching, it is recommended that you use stringr::str_like to filter character columns, as stringr::str_match will not work.


The metadata was collected from the Bioconductor package cellxgenedp. it's vignette using_cellxgenedp provides an overview of the columns in the metadata. The data for which the column organism_name included "Homo sapiens" was collected collected from cellxgenedp.

The columns dataset_id and file_id link the datasets explorable through CuratedAtlasQueryR and cellxgenedpto the CELLxGENE portal.

Our representation, harmonises the metadata at dataset, sample and cell levels, in a unique coherent database table.

Dataset-specific columns (definitions available at cell_count, collection_id, created_at.x, created_at.y, dataset_deployments, dataset_id, file_id, filename, filetype, is_primary_data.y, is_valid, linked_genesets, mean_genes_per_cell, name, published, published_at, revised_at, revision, s3_uri, schema_version, tombstone, updated_at.x, updated_at.y, user_submitted, x_normalization

Sample-specific columns (definitions available at

sample_, .sample_name, age_days, assay, assay_ontology_term_id, development_stage, development_stage_ontology_term_id, ethnicity, ethnicity_ontology_term_id, experiment___, organism, organism_ontology_term_id, sample_placeholder, sex, sex_ontology_term_id, tissue, tissue_harmonised, tissue_ontology_term_id, disease, disease_ontology_term_id, is_primary_data.x

Cell-specific columns (definitions available at

cell_, cell_type, cell_type_ontology_term_idm, cell_type_harmonised, confidence_class, cell_annotation_azimuth_l2, cell_annotation_blueprint_singler

Through harmonisation and curation we introduced custom column, not present in the original CELLxGENE metadata

  • tissue_harmonised: a coarser tissue name for better filtering

  • age_days: the number of days corresponding to the age

  • cell_type_harmonised: the consensus call identity (for immune cells) using the original and three novel annotations using Seurat Azimuth and SingleR

  • confidence_class: an ordinal class of how confident cell_type_harmonised is. 1 is complete consensus, 2 is 3 out of four and so on.

  • cell_annotation_azimuth_l2: Azimuth cell annotation

  • cell_annotation_blueprint_singler: SingleR cell annotation using Blueprint reference

  • cell_annotation_blueprint_monaco: SingleR cell annotation using Monaco reference

  • sample_id_db: Sample subdivision for internal use

  • file_id_db: File subdivision for internal use

  • sample_: Sample ID

  • .sample_name: How samples were defined

Possible cache path issues

If your default R cache path includes non-standard characters (e.g. dash because of your user or organisation name), the following error can manifest

Error in db_query_fields.DBIConnection(): ! Can't query fields. Caused by error: ! Parser Error: syntax error at or near "/" LINE 2: FROM /Users/bob/Library/Caches...

The solution is to choose a different cache, for example

get_metadata(cache_directory = path.expand('~'))


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
filtered_metadata <- get_metadata() |>
        ethnicity == "African" &
            assay %LIKE% "%10x%" &
            tissue == "lung parenchyma" &
            cell_type %LIKE% "%CD4%"