annotation_bar() from a `InputHeatmap` object, adds a bar annotation layer.
annotation_bar(.data, .column, palette = NULL, size = NULL, ...)
# S4 method for class 'InputHeatmap'
annotation_bar(.data, .column, palette = NULL, size = NULL, ...)
[Mangiola and Papenfuss., 2020](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.02472)
A `tbl_df` formatted as | <ELEMENT> | <FEATURE> | <VALUE> | <...> |
Vector of quotes
A character vector of colors, or a function such as colorRamp2 (see examples).
A grid::unit object, e.g. unit(2, "cm"). This is the height or width of the annotation depending on the orientation.
The arguments that will be passed to top_annotation or left_annotation of the ComplexHeatmap container
A `InputHeatmap` object that gets evaluated to a `ComplexHeatmap`
A `InputHeatmap` object that gets evaluated to a `ComplexHeatmap`
It uses `ComplexHeatmap` as visualisation tool.
Mangiola, S. and Papenfuss, A.T., 2020. "tidyHeatmap: an R package for modular heatmap production based on tidy principles." Journal of Open Source Software. doi:10.21105/joss.02472.
hm =
tidyHeatmap::N52 |>
.row = symbol_ct,
.column = UBR,
.value = `read count normalised log`
#> tidyHeatmap says: (once per session) from release 1.7.0 the scaling is set to "none" by default. Please use scale = "row", "column" or "both" to apply scaling
hm |> annotation_bar(inflection)