annotation_bar() from a `InputHeatmap` object, adds a bar annotation layer.
annotation_bar(.data, .column, palette = NULL, size = NULL, ...)
# S4 method for class 'InputHeatmap'
annotation_bar(.data, .column, palette = NULL, size = NULL, ...)
[Mangiola and Papenfuss., 2020](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.02472)
a `InputHeatmap` object created calling `tidyHeatmap::heatmap()`
Vector of quotes
A character vector of colors, or a function such as colorRamp2 (see examples).
A grid::unit object, e.g. unit(2, "cm"). This is the height or width of the annotation depending on the orientation.
The arguments that will be passed to
if you want to fine tune the aesthetics.
A `InputHeatmap` object that gets evaluated to a `ComplexHeatmap`
A `InputHeatmap` object that gets evaluated to a `ComplexHeatmap`
It uses `ComplexHeatmap` as visualisation tool.
Mangiola, S. and Papenfuss, A.T., 2020. "tidyHeatmap: an R package for modular heatmap production based on tidy principles." Journal of Open Source Software. doi:10.21105/joss.02472.
hm =
tidyHeatmap::N52 |>
.row = symbol_ct,
.column = UBR,
.value = `read count normalised log`
#> tidyHeatmap says: (once per session) from release 1.7.0 the scaling is set to "none" by default. Please use scale = "row", "column" or "both" to apply scaling
hm |> annotation_bar(inflection)