In order to add tidyHeatmap (ComplexHeatmap) element to a patchwork they can be converted to a compliant representation using the `wrap_heatmap()` function. This allows you to position either grobs, ggplot objects, patchwork objects, or even base graphics (if passed as a formula) in either the full area, the full plotting area (anything between and including the axis label), or the panel area (only the actual area where data is drawn).
panel = NULL,
plot = NULL,
full = NULL,
clip = TRUE,
ignore_tag = FALSE,
padding = NULL
# S4 method for class 'InputHeatmap'
panel = NULL,
plot = NULL,
full = NULL,
clip = TRUE,
ignore_tag = FALSE,
padding = NULL
[Mangiola and Papenfuss., 2020](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.02472)
A grob, ggplot, patchwork, formula, raster, or nativeRaster object to add to the respective area.
Should the grobs be clipped if expanding outside its area
Should tags be ignored for this patch. This is relevant when using automatic tagging of plots and the content of the patch does not qualify for a tag.
A grid::unit object. It defined the padding distance for the plot. It is helpful when the heatmap is assembled with other ggplots through patchwork.
A wrapped_patch object
A wrapped_patch object
Mangiola, S. and Papenfuss, A.T., 2020. "tidyHeatmap: an R package for modular heatmap production based on tidy principles." Journal of Open Source Software. doi:10.21105/joss.02472.