Various metadata fields are not common between datasets, so it does not make sense for these to live in the main metadata table. This function is a utility that allows easy fetching of this data if necessary.

get_unharmonised_metadata(metadata, ...)



A lazy data frame obtained from get_metadata(), filtered down to some cells of interest


Arguments passed on to get_unharmonised_dataset


A character vector, where each entry is a dataset ID obtained from the $file_id column of the table returned from get_metadata()


An optional character vector of cell IDs. If provided, only metadata for those cells will be returned.


An optional DuckDB connection object. If provided, it will re-use the existing connection instead of opening a new one.


Optional character vector of length 1. An HTTP URL pointing to the root URL under which all the unharmonised dataset files are located.


Optional character vector of length 1. A file path on your local system to a directory (not a file) that will be used to store the unharmonised metadata files.


A tibble with two columns:

  • file_id: the same file_id as the main metadata table obtained from get_metadata()

  • unharmonised: a nested tibble, with one row per cell in the input metadata, containing unharmonised metadata


harmonised <- dplyr::filter(get_metadata(), tissue == "kidney blood vessel")
unharmonised <- get_unharmonised_metadata(harmonised)