
Schedule can be found here.

Format: Hands on demos plus Q&A Interact: Zoom chat and polls

Poll: Will you code along and/or try out exercises during this workshop?
Poll: Do you have experience with transcriptomic analyses?
Poll: Do you have experience with tidyverse?
Poll: What are you more interested in learning in this workshop?

What is transcriptomics?

“The transcriptome is the set of all RNA transcripts, including coding and non-coding, in an individual or a population of cells”


Why use transcriptomics?

  • Genome (DNA) pretty stable
  • Proteome (proteins) harder to measure
  • Transcriptome (RNA) can measure changes in expression of thousands of coding and non-coding transcripts

Possible experimental design

How does transcriptomics work?

Types of transcriptomic analyses

  • Differential expression
  • Cell type composition
  • Alternative splicing
  • Novel transcript discovery
  • Fusions identification
  • Variant analysis

    Topics in bold we will see in this workshop

Bulk RNA sequencing differential expression workflow

Differences between bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing

Shalek and Benson, 2017

Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis workflow

Getting started


Easiest way to run this material. Only available during workshop.

  • Go to
  • Launch the workshop Tidy transcriptomics for bulk and single-cell analyses shown below. It may take a minute to launch.
  • Login in with the Username and Password shown.

  • Open tidytranscriptomics.Rmd in vignettes folder


If you want to install on your own computer, see instructions here. We recommend using the Cloud during the EuroBioc2020 workshop and this method if you want to run the material after the workshop.