


A tbl. (See dplyr)


Data frames to combine (See dplyr)


If TRUE, keep all variables in .data. If a combination of ... is not distinct, this keeps the first row of values. (See dplyr)


A tt object


tidybulk::se_mini %>% tidybulk() %>% distinct()
#> # A tibble: 2,635 × 9
#>    .feature .sample    count Cell.type time  condition  days  dead entrez
#>    <chr>    <chr>      <dbl> <chr>     <chr> <lgl>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr> 
#>  1 ABCB4    SRR1740034  1035 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 5244  
#>  2 ABCB9    SRR1740034    45 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 23457 
#>  3 ACAP1    SRR1740034  7151 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 9744  
#>  4 ACHE     SRR1740034     2 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 43    
#>  5 ACP5     SRR1740034  2278 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 54    
#>  6 ADAM28   SRR1740034 11156 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 10863 
#>  7 ADAMDEC1 SRR1740034    72 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 27299 
#>  8 ADAMTS3  SRR1740034     0 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 9508  
#>  9 ADRB2    SRR1740034   298 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 154   
#> 10 AIF1     SRR1740034     8 b_cell    0 d   TRUE          1     1 199   
#> # … with 2,625 more rows