All functions |
Cibersort reference |
Adjust transcript abundance for unwanted variation |
Aggregates multiple counts from the same samples (e.g., from isoforms), concatenates other character columns, and averages other numeric columns |
Arrange rows by column values |
as_SummarizedExperiment |
Get matrix from tibble |
Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column |
Needed for vignette breast_tcga_mini_SE |
Get clusters of elements (e.g., samples or transcripts) |
Counts with ensembl annotation |
Get cell type proportions from samples |
Get DESCRIPTION from gene SYMBOL for Human and Mouse |
distinct |
Left join datasets |
Data set |
Add transcript symbol column from ensembl id for human and mouse data |
Fill transcript abundance if missing from sample-transcript pairs |
Subset rows using column values |
flybaseIDs |
Produces the bibliography list of your workflow |
Group by one or more variables |
Identify abundant transcripts/genes |
impute transcript abundance if missing from sample-transcript pairs |
Inner join datasets |
Filter to keep only abundant transcripts/genes |
Keep variable transcripts |
log10_reverse_trans |
logit scale |
Create, modify, and delete columns |
unnest |
Extract sample-wise information |
Extract transcript-wise information |
Normalise by quantiles the counts of transcripts/genes |
Dimension reduction of the transcript abundance data |
Drop redundant elements (e.g., samples) for which feature (e.g., transcript/gene) abundances are correlated |
Rename columns |
resolve_complete_confounders_of_non_interest |
Resolve Complete Confounders of Non-Interest |
Rotate two dimensions (e.g., principal components) of an arbitrary angle |
Group input by rows |
Scale the counts of transcripts/genes |
SummarizedExperiment |
SummarizedExperiment mini for vignette |
Summarise each group to fewer rows |
Get ENTREZ id from gene SYMBOL |
Perform differential transcription testing using edgeR quasi-likelihood (QLT), edgeR likelihood-ratio (LR), limma-voom, limma-voom-with-quality-weights or DESeq2 |
Add differential tissue composition information to a tbl |
analyse gene enrichment with EGSEA |
analyse gene over-representation with GSEA |
analyse gene rank with GSEA |
Test of stratification of biological replicates based on tissue composition, one cell-type at the time, using Kaplan-meier curves. |
Creates an annotated `tidybulk` tibble from a `tbl` or `SummarizedExperiment` object |
Creates a `tt` object from a list of file names of BAM/SAM |
Needed for tests tximeta_summarizeToGene_object, It is SummarizedExperiment from tximeta |
Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_boxplot |
Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne |
Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne2 |