test_differential_abundance() takes as input A `tbl` (with at least three columns for sample, feature and transcript abundance) or `SummarizedExperiment` (more convenient if abstracted to tibble with library(tidySummarizedExperiment)) and returns a consistent object (to the input) with additional columns for the statistics from the hypothesis test.

  .sample = NULL,
  .transcript = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
  test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
  scaling_method = "TMM",
  omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
  prefix = "",
  action = "add",
  significance_threshold = NULL,
  fill_missing_values = NULL,
  .contrasts = NULL

# S4 method for spec_tbl_df
  .sample = NULL,
  .transcript = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
  test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
  scaling_method = "TMM",
  omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
  prefix = "",
  action = "add",
  significance_threshold = NULL,
  fill_missing_values = NULL,
  .contrasts = NULL

# S4 method for tbl_df
  .sample = NULL,
  .transcript = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
  test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
  scaling_method = "TMM",
  omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
  prefix = "",
  action = "add",
  significance_threshold = NULL,
  fill_missing_values = NULL,
  .contrasts = NULL

# S4 method for tidybulk
  .sample = NULL,
  .transcript = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
  test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
  scaling_method = "TMM",
  omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
  prefix = "",
  action = "add",
  significance_threshold = NULL,
  fill_missing_values = NULL,
  .contrasts = NULL

# S4 method for SummarizedExperiment
  .sample = NULL,
  .transcript = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
  test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
  scaling_method = "TMM",
  omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
  prefix = "",
  action = "add",
  significance_threshold = NULL,
  fill_missing_values = NULL,
  .contrasts = NULL

# S4 method for RangedSummarizedExperiment
  .sample = NULL,
  .transcript = NULL,
  .abundance = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
  test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
  scaling_method = "TMM",
  omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
  prefix = "",
  action = "add",
  significance_threshold = NULL,
  fill_missing_values = NULL,
  .contrasts = NULL



A `tbl` (with at least three columns for sample, feature and transcript abundance) or `SummarizedExperiment` (more convenient if abstracted to tibble with library(tidySummarizedExperiment))


A formula representing the desired linear model. If there is more than one factor, they should be in the order factor of interest + additional factors.


The name of the sample column


The name of the transcript/gene column


The name of the transcript/gene abundance column


This parameter takes the format of the contrast parameter of the method of choice. For edgeR and limma-voom is a character vector. For DESeq2 is a list including a character vector of length three. The first covariate is the one the model is tested against (e.g., ~ factor_of_interest)


A string character. Either "edgeR_quasi_likelihood" (i.e., QLF), "edgeR_likelihood_ratio" (i.e., LRT), "edger_robust_likelihood_ratio", "DESeq2", "limma_voom", "limma_voom_sample_weights"


A positive real value. This works for edgeR and limma_voom methods. It uses the `treat` function, which tests that the difference in abundance is bigger than this threshold rather than zero https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19176553.


A character string. The scaling method passed to the back-end functions: edgeR and limma-voom (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile"). Setting the parameter to \"none\" will skip the compensation for sequencing-depth for the method edgeR or limma-voom.


If just one contrast is specified you can choose to omit the contrast label in the colnames.


A character string. The prefix you would like to add to the result columns. It is useful if you want to compare several methods.


A character string. Whether to join the new information to the input tbl (add), or just get the non-redundant tbl with the new information (get).


Further arguments passed to some of the internal functions. Currently, it is needed just for internal debug.


DEPRECATED - A real between 0 and 1 (usually 0.05).


DEPRECATED - A boolean. Whether to fill missing sample/transcript values with the median of the transcript. This is rarely needed.


DEPRECATED - This parameter takes the format of the contrast parameter of the method of choice. For edgeR and limma-voom is a character vector. For DESeq2 is a list including a character vector of length three. The first covariate is the one the model is tested against (e.g., ~ factor_of_interest)


A consistent object (to the input) with additional columns for the statistics from the test (e.g., log fold change, p-value and false discovery rate).

A consistent object (to the input) with additional columns for the statistics from the test (e.g., log fold change, p-value and false discovery rate).

A consistent object (to the input) with additional columns for the statistics from the hypothesis test (e.g., log fold change, p-value and false discovery rate).

A consistent object (to the input) with additional columns for the statistics from the hypothesis test (e.g., log fold change, p-value and false discovery rate).

A `SummarizedExperiment` object

A `SummarizedExperiment` object


`r lifecycle::badge("maturing")`

This function provides the option to use edgeR https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp616, limma-voom https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2014-15-2-r29, limma_voom_sample_weights https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkv412 or DESeq2 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8 to perform the testing. All methods use raw counts, irrespective of if scale_abundance or adjust_abundance have been calculated, therefore it is essential to add covariates such as batch effects (if applicable) in the formula.

Underlying method for edgeR framework: .data

# Filter keep_abundant( factor_of_interest = !!(as.symbol(parse_formula(.formula)[1])), minimum_counts = minimum_counts, minimum_proportion = minimum_proportion )

# Format select(!!.transcript,!!.sample,!!.abundance) spread(!!.sample,!!.abundance) as_matrix(rownames = !!.transcript)

# edgeR edgeR::DGEList(counts = .) edgeR::calcNormFactors(method = scaling_method) edgeR::estimateDisp(design)

# Fit edgeR::glmQLFit(design) edgeR::glmQLFTest(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts) // or glmLRT according to choice

Underlying method for DESeq2 framework: keep_abundant( factor_of_interest = !!as.symbol(parse_formula(.formula)[[1]]), minimum_counts = minimum_counts, minimum_proportion = minimum_proportion )

# DESeq2 DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(design = .formula) DESeq2::DESeq() DESeq2::results()


 # edgeR

 tidybulk::se_mini |>
 identify_abundant() |>
  test_differential_abundance( ~ condition )
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> =====================================
#> tidybulk says: All testing methods use raw counts, irrespective of if scale_abundance
#> or adjust_abundance have been calculated. Therefore, it is essential to add covariates
#> such as batch effects (if applicable) in the formula.
#> =====================================
#> This message is displayed once per session.
#> tidybulk says: The design column names are "(Intercept), conditionTRUE"
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., "internals")$edgeR_quasi_likelihood`
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 527 5 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): count
#> rownames(527): ABCB4 ABCB9 ... ZNF324 ZNF442
#> rowData names(7): entrez .abundant ... PValue FDR
#> colnames(5): SRR1740034 SRR1740035 SRR1740043 SRR1740058 SRR1740067
#> colData names(5): Cell.type time condition days dead

  # The function `test_differential_abundance` operates with contrasts too

 tidybulk::se_mini |>
 identify_abundant() |>
      ~ 0 + condition,
      contrasts = c( "conditionTRUE - conditionFALSE")
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> tidybulk says: The design column names are "conditionFALSE, conditionTRUE"
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., "internals")$edgeR_quasi_likelihood`
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 527 5 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): count
#> rownames(527): ABCB4 ABCB9 ... ZNF324 ZNF442
#> rowData names(7): entrez .abundant ... PValue___conditionTRUE -
#>   conditionFALSE FDR___conditionTRUE - conditionFALSE
#> colnames(5): SRR1740034 SRR1740035 SRR1740043 SRR1740058 SRR1740067
#> colData names(5): Cell.type time condition days dead

 # DESeq2 - equivalent for limma-voom

my_se_mini = tidybulk::se_mini
my_se_mini$condition  = factor(my_se_mini$condition)

# demontrating with `fitType` that you can access any arguments to DESeq()
my_se_mini  |>
   identify_abundant() |>
       test_differential_abundance( ~ condition, method="deseq2", fitType="local")
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> estimating size factors
#> estimating dispersions
#> gene-wise dispersion estimates
#> mean-dispersion relationship
#> final dispersion estimates
#> fitting model and testing
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., "internals")$deseq2`
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 527 5 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): count
#> rownames(527): ABCB4 ABCB9 ... ZNF324 ZNF442
#> rowData names(8): entrez .abundant ... pvalue padj
#> colnames(5): SRR1740034 SRR1740035 SRR1740043 SRR1740058 SRR1740067
#> colData names(5): Cell.type time condition days dead

# testing above a log2 threshold, passes along value to lfcThreshold of results()
res <- my_se_mini  |>
   identify_abundant() |>
        test_differential_abundance( ~ condition, method="deseq2",
            test_above_log2_fold_change=4 )
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> estimating size factors
#> estimating dispersions
#> gene-wise dispersion estimates
#> mean-dispersion relationship
#> final dispersion estimates
#> fitting model and testing
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., "internals")$deseq2`

# confirm that lfcThreshold was used
if (FALSE) {
    res |>
        mcols() |>
        DESeq2::DESeqResults() |>

# The function `test_differential_abundance` operates with contrasts too

 my_se_mini |>
 identify_abundant() |>
      ~ 0 + condition,
      contrasts = list(c("condition", "TRUE", "FALSE")),
#> No group or design set. Assuming all samples belong to one group.
#> renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> estimating size factors
#> estimating dispersions
#> gene-wise dispersion estimates
#> mean-dispersion relationship
#> final dispersion estimates
#> fitting model and testing
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., "internals")$deseq2`
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 527 5 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): count
#> rownames(527): ABCB4 ABCB9 ... ZNF324 ZNF442
#> rowData names(8): entrez .abundant ... pvalue___condition TRUE-FALSE
#>   padj___condition TRUE-FALSE
#> colnames(5): SRR1740034 SRR1740035 SRR1740043 SRR1740058 SRR1740067
#> colData names(5): Cell.type time condition days dead