Workshop introduction


Dr. Stefano Mangiola is currently a Postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Tony Papenfuss at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, Australia. His background spans from biotechnology to bioinformatics and biostatistics. His research focuses on prostate and breast tumour microenvironment, the development of statistical models for the analysis of RNA sequencing data, and data analysis and visualisation interfaces.

Dr. Maria Doyle is the Application and Training Specialist for Research Computing at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, Australia. She has a PhD in Molecular Biology and currently works in bioinformatics and data science education and training. She is passionate about supporting researchers, reproducible research, open source and tidy data.


Recently, plyranges and tidybulk have made efforts toward the harmonization of biological data structures and workflows using the concept of data tidiness, to facilitate modularisation. In this workshop, we present tidySingleCellExperiment and tidySummarizedExperiment, two R packages that allow the user to visualise and manipulate SingleCellExperiment and SummarizedExperiment objects in a tidy fashion. Importantly, the tidybulk framework now works natively with SummarizedExperiment objects and, thanks to tidySummarizedExperiment, allows tidy and modular RNA sequencing analyses without renouncing the efficiency of Bioconductor data containers. These tools are part of the tidytranscriptomics R software suite, and represent an effort toward the harmonisation of transcriptional analyses under the tidy umbrella.


  • Some familiarity with tidyverse syntax
  • Some familiarity with bulk RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq

Recommended Background Reading Introduction to R for Biologists

Time outline

This workshop is a 1.5 hour session.


Activity - Hands on demos with challenges and Q&A Time
Part 1 Bulk RNA-seq with tidySummarizedExperiment and tidybulk 45
Part 2 Single-cell RNA-seq with tidySingleCellExperiment 45
Total 90m

Format: Hands on demos, challenges plus Q&A
Interact: Airmeet for questions, Menti quiz for challenges

Workshop goals and objectives

Learning goals

  • To understand how transcriptomic data can be represented and analysed according to the tidy data paradigm with tidySummarizedExperiment, tidybulk and tidySingleCellExperiment.

Learning objectives

  • Explore, visualise and analyse bulk RNA-seq count data with tidySummarizedExperiment and tidybulk
  • Explore and visualise single cell RNA-seq count data with tidySingleCellExperiment

Audience Questions

First we have a few questions for you, the audience.

Please either open a tab in your browser or use your phone. Go to Menti ( and type the code given in the Google doc.

Then please rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1=no/none, 5=yes/a lot)

  • I will code along and/or try out exercises during this workshop.
  • I have experience with transcriptomic analyses
  • I have experience with tidyverse

What is transcriptomics?

“The transcriptome is the set of all RNA transcripts, including coding and non-coding, in an individual or a population of cells”


Why use transcriptomics?

  • Genome (DNA) pretty stable
  • Proteome (proteins) harder to measure
  • Transcriptome (RNA) can measure changes in expression of thousands of coding and non-coding transcripts

Possible experimental design

How does transcriptomics work?

Types of transcriptomic analyses

  • Differential expression
  • Cell type composition
  • Alternative splicing
  • Novel transcript discovery
  • Fusions identification
  • Variant analysis

    Topics in bold we will see in this workshop

Bulk RNA sequencing differential expression workflow

Differences between bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing

Shalek and Benson, 2017

Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis workflow

Tidy data and the tidyverse

This workshop demonstrates how to perform analysis of RNA sequencing data following the tidy data paradigm (Wickham and others 2014). The tidy data paradigm provides a standard way to organise data values within a dataset, where each variable is a column, each observation is a row, and data is manipulated using an easy-to-understand vocabulary. Most importantly, the data structure remains consistent across manipulation and analysis functions. For more information, see the R for Data Science chapter on tidy data here.

The tidyverse is a collection of packages that can be used to tidy, manipulate and visualise data. We’ll use many functions from the tidyverse in this workshop, such as filter, select, mutate, pivot_longer and ggplot.

Getting started


Easiest way to run this material. Only available during workshop.

  • Login to workshop as per the instructions in the Google doc.
  • Open tidytranscriptomics.Rmd in bioc2021_tidytranscriptomcs/vignettes folder


We will use the Cloud during the Bioc2021 workshop and this method is available if you want to run the material after the workshop. If you want to install on your own computer, see instructions here.

Alternatively, you can view the material at the workshop webpage here.

What is tidytranscriptomics?

tidybulk, tidySummarizedExperiment and tidySingleCellExperiment are part of the tidytranscriptomics suite that introduces a tidy approach to RNA sequencing data representation and analysis. The roadmap for the development of the tidytranscriptomics packages is shown in the figure below.

Part 1 Bulk RNA sequencing with tidySummarizedExperiment and tidybulk


Some of the material in Part 1 was adapted from an R RNA sequencing workshop first run here. The use of the airway dataset was inspired by the DESeq2 vignette.

First, let’s load all the packages we will need to analyse the bulk RNA sequencing data.

Note: you should load the tidybulk and tidySummarizedExperiment libraries after the tidyverse core packages for best integration.

# dataset

# tidyverse core packages

# tidyverse-friendly packages
# library(tidySummarizedExperiment) # we'll load this below to show what it can do

Plot settings. Set the colours and theme we will use for our plots.

# Use colourblind-friendly colours
friendly_cols <- dittoSeq::dittoColors()

# Set theme
custom_theme <-
    scale_fill_manual(values = friendly_cols),
    scale_color_manual(values = friendly_cols),
    theme_bw() +
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(),
        panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.2),
        panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.1),
        text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        strip.background = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10, r = 10, b = 10, l = 10)),
        axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10, r = 10, b = 10, l = 10)),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)


tidySummarizedExperiment provides a bridge between Bioconductor SummarizedExperiment (Morgan et al. 2021) and the tidyverse (Wickham et al. 2019). It enables viewing the Bioconductor SummarizedExperiment object as a tidyverse tibble, and provides SummarizedExperiment-compatible dplyr, tidyr, ggplot and plotly functions. This allows users to get the best of both Bioconductor and tidyverse worlds.

Functions/utilities available

SummarizedExperiment-compatible Functions Description
all tidySummarizedExperiment is a SummarizedExperiment object
tidyverse Packages Description
dplyr Almost all dplyr APIs like for any tibble
tidyr Almost all tidyr APIs like for any tibble
ggplot2 ggplot like for any tibble
plotly plot_ly like for any tibble
Utilities Description
tidy Add tidySummarizedExperiment invisible layer over a SummarizedExperiment object
as_tibble Convert cell-wise information to a tbl_df

Here we will demonstrate performing a bulk RNA sequencing analysis using tidySummarizedExperiment and tidybulk. We will use data from the airway package, which comes from the paper by (Himes et al. 2014). It includes 8 samples from human airway smooth muscle cells, from 4 cell lines. For each cell line treated (with dexamethasone) and untreated (negative control) a sample has undergone RNA sequencing and gene counts have been generated.

# load airway RNA sequencing data

# take a look
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 64102 8 
#> metadata(1): ''
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(64102): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... LRG_98 LRG_99
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(8): SRR1039508 SRR1039509 ... SRR1039520 SRR1039521
#> colData names(9): SampleName cell ... Sample BioSample

The data in the airway package is a Bioconductor SummarizedExperiment object. For more information see here.

The tidySummarizedExperiment package enables any SummarizedExperiment object to be displayed and manipulated according to tidy data principles, without affecting any SummarizedExperiment behaviour.

If we load the tidySummarizedExperiment package and then view the airway data it now displays as a tibble. A tibble is the tidyverse table format.

# load tidySummarizedExperiment package

# take a look
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 512,816 × 13
#> [90m# Transcripts=64102 | Samples=8 | Assays=counts[39m
#>    feature sample counts SampleName cell  dex   albut Run   avgLength Experiment
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <int> <fct>      <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>     <int> <fct>     
#>  1 ENSG00… SRR10…    679 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  2 ENSG00… SRR10…      0 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  3 ENSG00… SRR10…    467 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  4 ENSG00… SRR10…    260 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  5 ENSG00… SRR10…     60 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  6 ENSG00… SRR10…      0 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  7 ENSG00… SRR10…   3251 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  8 ENSG00… SRR10…   1433 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  9 ENSG00… SRR10…    519 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#> 10 ENSG00… SRR10…    394 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 3 more variables: Sample <fct>, BioSample <fct>,
#> #   coordinate <list>

Now we can more easily see the data. The airway object contains information about genes and samples, the first column has the Ensembl gene identifier, the second column has the sample identifier and the third column has the gene transcription abundance. The abundance is the number of reads aligning to the gene in each experimental sample. The remaining columns include sample information. The dex column tells us whether the samples are treated or untreated and the cell column tells us what cell line they are from.

We can still interact with the tidy SummarizedExperiment object using commands for SummarizedExperiment objects.

#> List of length 1
#> names(1): counts

Tidyverse commands

And now we can also use tidyverse commands, such as filter, select and mutate to explore the tidy SummarizedExperiment object. Some examples are shown below and more can be seen at the tidySummarizedExperiment website here. We can also use the tidyverse pipe %>%. This ‘pipes’ the output from the command on the left into the command on the right/below. Using the pipe is not essential but it reduces the amount of code we need to write when we have multiple steps. It also can make the steps clearer and easier to see. For more details on the pipe see here.

We can use filter to choose rows, for example, to see just the rows for the treated samples.

airway %>% filter(dex == "trt")
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 256,408 × 13
#> [90m# Transcripts=64102 | Samples=4 | Assays=counts[39m
#>    feature sample counts SampleName cell  dex   albut Run   avgLength Experiment
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <int> <fct>      <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>     <int> <fct>     
#>  1 ENSG00… SRR10…    448 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  2 ENSG00… SRR10…      0 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  3 ENSG00… SRR10…    515 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  4 ENSG00… SRR10…    211 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  5 ENSG00… SRR10…     55 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  6 ENSG00… SRR10…      0 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  7 ENSG00… SRR10…   3679 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  8 ENSG00… SRR10…   1062 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#>  9 ENSG00… SRR10…    380 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#> 10 ENSG00… SRR10…    236 GSM1275863 N613… trt   untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384346 
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 3 more variables: Sample <fct>, BioSample <fct>,
#> #   coordinate <list>

We can use select to choose columns, for example, to see the sample, cell line and treatment columns.

airway %>% select(sample, cell, dex)
#> tidySummarizedExperiment says: Key columns are missing. A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.
#> # A tibble: 512,816 × 3
#>    sample     cell   dex  
#>    <chr>      <fct>  <fct>
#>  1 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  2 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  3 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  4 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  5 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  6 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  7 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  8 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#>  9 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#> 10 SRR1039508 N61311 untrt
#> # … with 512,806 more rows

We can combine group_by and summarise to calculate the total number of rows (transcripts) for each sample.

airway %>%
    group_by(sample) %>%
#> tidySummarizedExperiment says: A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.
#> # A tibble: 8 × 2
#>   sample         n
#>   <chr>      <int>
#> 1 SRR1039508 64102
#> 2 SRR1039509 64102
#> 3 SRR1039512 64102
#> 4 SRR1039513 64102
#> 5 SRR1039516 64102
#> 6 SRR1039517 64102
#> 7 SRR1039520 64102
#> 8 SRR1039521 64102

We can use mutate to create a column. For example, we could create a new sample_name column that contains shorter sample names. We can remove the SRR1039 prefix that’s present in all of the samples, as shorter names can fit better in some of the plots we will create. We can use mutate together with str_replace to remove the SRR1039 string from the sample column.

airway %>%
  mutate(sample_name=str_remove(sample, "SRR1039")) %>%
  # select columns to view    
  select(sample, sample_name)
#> tidySummarizedExperiment says: Key columns are missing. A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.
#> # A tibble: 512,816 × 2
#>    sample     sample_name
#>    <chr>      <chr>      
#>  1 SRR1039508 508        
#>  2 SRR1039508 508        
#>  3 SRR1039508 508        
#>  4 SRR1039508 508        
#>  5 SRR1039508 508        
#>  6 SRR1039508 508        
#>  7 SRR1039508 508        
#>  8 SRR1039508 508        
#>  9 SRR1039508 508        
#> 10 SRR1039508 508        
#> # … with 512,806 more rows
Challenge: Which sample has the largest no. of genes with zero counts?
Select one of the multiple choice options in (code in Google doc).

Setting up the data

We’ll now prepare the data for a tidy analysis with tidybulk. Note that while here we use tidy SummarizedExperiment input, tidybulk also works with tibble and data.frame input.

We’ll set up the airway data for our RNA sequencing analysis. We’ll create a column with shorter sample names and a column with gene symbols. We can get the gene symbols for these Ensembl gene ids using the Bioconductor annotation package for human,

# setup data workflow
counts <-
  airway %>%
  mutate(sample_name = str_remove(sample, "SRR1039")) %>%
  mutate(symbol = AnnotationDbi::mapIds(,
    keys = feature,
    keytype = "ENSEMBL",
    column = "SYMBOL",
    multiVals = "first"
#> 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
# take a look
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 512,816 × 15
#> [90m# Transcripts=64102 | Samples=8 | Assays=counts[39m
#>    feature sample counts SampleName cell  dex   albut Run   avgLength Experiment
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <int> <fct>      <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>     <int> <fct>     
#>  1 ENSG00… SRR10…    679 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  2 ENSG00… SRR10…      0 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  3 ENSG00… SRR10…    467 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  4 ENSG00… SRR10…    260 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  5 ENSG00… SRR10…     60 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  6 ENSG00… SRR10…      0 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  7 ENSG00… SRR10…   3251 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  8 ENSG00… SRR10…   1433 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#>  9 ENSG00… SRR10…    519 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#> 10 ENSG00… SRR10…    394 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…       126 SRX384345 
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 5 more variables: Sample <fct>, BioSample <fct>,
#> #   sample_name <chr>, symbol <chr>, coordinate <list>


We filter out lowly expressed genes using tidybulk keep_abundant or identify_abundant. These functions can use the edgeR filterByExpr function described in (Law et al. 2016) to automatically identify the genes with adequate abundance for differential expression testing.

We also scale counts to normalise for technical and composition differences between the samples using tidybulk scale_abundance Here we will use the default edgeR’s trimmed mean of M values (TMM), (Robinson and Oshlack 2010).

# Filtering counts
counts_scaled <- counts %>% 
    keep_abundant(factor_of_interest = dex) %>%

# take a look
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 127,408 × 19
#> [90m# Transcripts=15926 | Samples=8 | Assays=counts, counts_scaled[39m
#>    feature sample counts counts_scaled SampleName cell  dex   albut Run  
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <int>         <dbl> <fct>      <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
#>  1 ENSG00… SRR10…    679         961.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  2 ENSG00… SRR10…    467         661.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  3 ENSG00… SRR10…    260         368.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  4 ENSG00… SRR10…     60          84.9 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  5 ENSG00… SRR10…   3251        4601.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  6 ENSG00… SRR10…   1433        2028.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  7 ENSG00… SRR10…    519         734.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  8 ENSG00… SRR10…    394         558.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  9 ENSG00… SRR10…    172         243.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#> 10 ENSG00… SRR10…   2112        2989.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 10 more variables: avgLength <int>,
#> #   Experiment <fct>, Sample <fct>, BioSample <fct>, sample_name <chr>,
#> #   TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>, symbol <chr>, .abundant <lgl>,
#> #   coordinate <list>

After we run, we should see some columns have been added at the end. The counts_scaled column contains the scaled counts.

We can visualise the difference in abundance densities before and after scaling. As tidybulk output is compatible with tidyverse, we can simply pipe it into standard tidyverse functions such as filter, pivot_longer and ggplot. We can also take advantage of ggplot’s facet_wrap to easily create multiple plots.

counts_scaled %>%

  # Reshaping
  pivot_longer(cols = c("counts", "counts_scaled"), names_to = "source", values_to = "abundance") %>%

  # Plotting
  ggplot(aes(x = abundance + 1, color = sample_name)) +
  geom_density() +
  facet_wrap(~source) +
  scale_x_log10() +
#> tidySummarizedExperiment says: A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.

In this dataset, the distributions of the counts are not very different to each other before scaling, but scaling does make the distributions more similar. If we saw a sample with a very different distribution, we may need to investigate it.

As tidybulk smoothly integrates with ggplot2 and other tidyverse packages it can save on typing and make plots easier to generate. Compare the code for creating density plots with tidybulk versus standard base R below (standard code adapted from (Law et al. 2016)).


# tidybulk
airway %>%
  keep_abundant(factor_of_interest = dex) %>%
  scale_abundance() %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("counts", "counts_scaled"), names_to = "source", values_to = "abundance") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = abundance + 1, color = sample)) +
  geom_density() +
  facet_wrap(~source) +
  scale_x_log10() +

base R using edgeR

# Example code, no need to run

# Prepare data set
dgList <- SE2DGEList(airway)
group <- factor(dgList$samples$dex)
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(dgList, group = group)
dgList <- dgList[keep.exprs, , keep.lib.sizes = FALSE]
nsamples <- ncol(dgList)
logcounts <- log2(dgList$counts)

# Setup graphics
col <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(nsamples, "Paired")
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

# Plot raw counts
plot(density(logcounts[, 1]), col = col[1], lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 0.26), las = 2, main = "", xlab = "")
title(main = "Counts")
for (i in 2:nsamples) {
  den <- density(logcounts[, i])
  lines(den$x, den$y, col = col[i], lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = dgList$samples$Run, text.col = col, bty = "n")

# Plot scaled counts
dgList_norm <- calcNormFactors(dgList)
lcpm_n <- cpm(dgList_norm, log = TRUE)
plot(density(lcpm_n[, 1]), col = col[1], lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 0.26), las = 2, main = "", xlab = "")
title("Counts scaled")
for (i in 2:nsamples) {
  den <- density(lcpm_n[, i])
  lines(den$x, den$y, col = col[i], lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = dgList_norm$samples$Run, text.col = col, bty = "n")

Exploratory analyses

Dimensionality reduction

By far, one of the most important plots we make when we analyse RNA sequencing data are principal-component analysis (PCA) or multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plots. We reduce the dimensions of the data to identify the greatest sources of variation in the data. A principal components analysis is an example of an unsupervised analysis, where we don’t need to specify the groups. If your experiment is well controlled and has worked well, what we hope to see is that the greatest sources of variation in the data are the treatments/groups we are interested in. It is also an incredibly useful tool for quality control and checking for outliers. We can use the reduce_dimensions function to calculate the dimensions.

# Get principal components
counts_scal_PCA <-
  counts_scaled %>%
  reduce_dimensions(method = "PCA")
#> Getting the 500 most variable genes
#> Fraction of variance explained by the selected principal components
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   `Fraction of variance`    PC
#>                    <dbl> <int>
#> 1                  0.353     1
#> 2                  0.312     2
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results do `attr(..., "internals")$PCA`

This joins the result to the counts’ object.

# Take a look
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 127,408 × 21
#> [90m# Transcripts=15926 | Samples=8 | Assays=counts, counts_scaled[39m
#>    feature sample counts counts_scaled SampleName cell  dex   albut Run  
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <int>         <dbl> <fct>      <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
#>  1 ENSG00… SRR10…    679         961.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  2 ENSG00… SRR10…    467         661.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  3 ENSG00… SRR10…    260         368.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  4 ENSG00… SRR10…     60          84.9 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  5 ENSG00… SRR10…   3251        4601.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  6 ENSG00… SRR10…   1433        2028.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  7 ENSG00… SRR10…    519         734.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  8 ENSG00… SRR10…    394         558.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  9 ENSG00… SRR10…    172         243.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#> 10 ENSG00… SRR10…   2112        2989.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 12 more variables: avgLength <int>,
#> #   Experiment <fct>, Sample <fct>, BioSample <fct>, sample_name <chr>,
#> #   TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>, PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>, symbol <chr>,
#> #   .abundant <lgl>, coordinate <list>

For plotting, we can select just the sample-wise information with pivot_sample.

# take a look
counts_scal_PCA %>% pivot_sample()
#> # A tibble: 8 × 15
#>   sample     SampleName cell    dex   albut Run     avgLength Experiment Sample 
#>   <chr>      <fct>      <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>       <int> <fct>      <fct>  
#> 1 SRR1039508 GSM1275862 N61311  untrt untrt SRR103…       126 SRX384345  SRS508…
#> 2 SRR1039509 GSM1275863 N61311  trt   untrt SRR103…       126 SRX384346  SRS508…
#> 3 SRR1039512 GSM1275866 N052611 untrt untrt SRR103…       126 SRX384349  SRS508…
#> 4 SRR1039513 GSM1275867 N052611 trt   untrt SRR103…        87 SRX384350  SRS508…
#> 5 SRR1039516 GSM1275870 N080611 untrt untrt SRR103…       120 SRX384353  SRS508…
#> 6 SRR1039517 GSM1275871 N080611 trt   untrt SRR103…       126 SRX384354  SRS508…
#> 7 SRR1039520 GSM1275874 N061011 untrt untrt SRR103…       101 SRX384357  SRS508…
#> 8 SRR1039521 GSM1275875 N061011 trt   untrt SRR103…        98 SRX384358  SRS508…
#> # … with 6 more variables: BioSample <fct>, sample_name <chr>, TMM <dbl>,
#> #   multiplier <dbl>, PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>

We can now plot the reduced dimensions.

# PCA plot
counts_scal_PCA %>%
  pivot_sample() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, colour = dex, shape = cell)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = sample_name), show.legend = FALSE) +

The samples group by treatment on PC1 which is what we hope to see. PC2 separates the N080611 cell line from the other samples, indicating a greater difference between that cell line and the others.

Differential expression

tidybulk integrates several popular methods for differential transcript abundance testing: the edgeR quasi-likelihood (Chen, Lun, and Smyth 2016) (tidybulk default method), edgeR likelihood ratio (McCarthy, Chen, and Smyth 2012), limma-voom (Law et al. 2014) and DESeq2 (Love, Huber, and Anders 2014). A common question researchers have is which method to choose. With tidybulk, we can easily run multiple methods and compare.

We give test_differential_abundance our tidybulk counts object and a formula, specifying the column that contains our groups to be compared. If all our samples were from the same cell line, and there were no additional factors contributing variance, such as batch differences, we could use the formula ~ dex. However, each treated and untreated sample is from a different cell line, so we add the cell line as an additional factor ~ dex + cell.

de_all <-

  counts_scal_PCA %>%

  # edgeR QLT
    ~ dex + cell,
    method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
    prefix = "edgerQLT_"
  ) %>%

  # edgeR LRT
    ~ dex + cell,
    method = "edgeR_likelihood_ratio",
    prefix = "edgerLR_"
  ) %>%

  # limma-voom
    ~ dex + cell,
    method = "limma_voom",
    prefix = "voom_"
  ) %>%

  # DESeq2
    ~ dex + cell,
    method = "deseq2",
    prefix = "deseq2_"

# take a look

#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 127,408 × 43
#> [90m# Transcripts=15926 | Samples=8 | Assays=counts, counts_scaled[39m
#>    feature sample counts counts_scaled SampleName cell  dex   albut Run  
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <int>         <dbl> <fct>      <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
#>  1 ENSG00… SRR10…    679         961.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  2 ENSG00… SRR10…    467         661.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  3 ENSG00… SRR10…    260         368.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  4 ENSG00… SRR10…     60          84.9 GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  5 ENSG00… SRR10…   3251        4601.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  6 ENSG00… SRR10…   1433        2028.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  7 ENSG00… SRR10…    519         734.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  8 ENSG00… SRR10…    394         558.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#>  9 ENSG00… SRR10…    172         243.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#> 10 ENSG00… SRR10…   2112        2989.  GSM1275862 N613… untrt untrt SRR1…
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 34 more variables: avgLength <int>,
#> #   Experiment <fct>, Sample <fct>, BioSample <fct>, sample_name <chr>,
#> #   TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>, PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>, symbol <chr>,
#> #   .abundant <lgl>, edgerQLT_logFC <dbl>, edgerQLT_logCPM <dbl>,
#> #   edgerQLT_F <dbl>, edgerQLT_PValue <dbl>, edgerQLT_FDR <dbl>,
#> #   edgerLR_logFC <dbl>, edgerLR_logCPM <dbl>, edgerLR_LR <dbl>,
#> #   edgerLR_PValue <dbl>, edgerLR_FDR <dbl>, voom_logFC <dbl>,
#> #   voom_AveExpr <dbl>, voom_t <dbl>, voom_P.Value <dbl>, voom_adj.P.Val <dbl>,
#> #   voom_B <dbl>, deseq2_baseMean <dbl>, deseq2_log2FoldChange <dbl>,
#> #   deseq2_lfcSE <dbl>, deseq2_stat <dbl>, deseq2_pvalue <dbl>,
#> #   deseq2_padj <dbl>, coordinate <list>

This outputs the columns from each method such as log-fold change (logFC), false-discovery rate (FDR) and probability value (p-value). logFC is log2(treated/untreated).

Comparison of methods

We can visually compare the significance for all methods. We will notice that there is some difference between the methods.

de_all %>%
  pivot_transcript() %>%
  select(edgerQLT_PValue, edgerLR_PValue, voom_P.Value, deseq2_pvalue, feature) %>%

Challenge: Which method detects the largest no. of differentially abundant transcripts, p value adjusted for multiple testing <  0.05 (FDR, adj.P.Val, padj)?
Select one of the multiple choice options in (code in Google doc).

Tidybulk enables a simplified way of performing an RNA sequencing differential expression analysis (with the benefit of smoothly integrating with ggplot2 and other tidyverse packages). Compare the code for a tidybulk edgeR analysis versus standard edgeR below.

standard edgeR

# Example code, no need to run

dgList <- SE2DGEList(airway)
group <- factor(dgList$samples$dex)
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(dgList, group = group)
dgList <- dgList[keep.exprs, , keep.lib.sizes = FALSE]
dgList <- calcNormFactors(dgList)
cell <- factor(dgList$samples$cell)
design <- model.matrix(~ group + cell)
dgList <- estimateDisp(dgList, design)
fit <- glmQLFit(dgList, design)
qlf <- glmQLFTest(fit, coef=2)

Volcano plots

Volcano plots are a useful genome-wide tool for checking that the analysis looks good. Volcano plots enable us to visualise the significance of change (p-value) versus the fold change (logFC). Highly significant genes are towards the top of the plot. We can also colour significant genes, e.g. genes with false-discovery rate < 0.05. To decide which genes are differentially expressed, we usually take a cut-off of 0.05 on the FDR (or adjusted P-value), NOT the raw p-value. This is because we are testing many genes (multiple testing), and the chances of finding differentially expressed genes are very high when you do that many tests. Hence we need to control the false discovery rate, the adjusted p-value column in the results table. That is, if 100 genes are significant at a 5% false discovery rate, we are willing to accept that 5 will be false positives.

# run default edgeR method
counts_de <- counts_scal_PCA %>%
  test_differential_abundance(~ dex + cell)
#> =====================================
#> tidybulk says: All testing methods use raw counts, irrespective of if scale_abundance 
#> or adjust_abundance have been calculated. Therefore, it is essential to add covariates 
#> such as batch effects (if applicable) in the formula.
#> =====================================
#> tidybulk says: The design column names are "(Intercept), dexuntrt, cellN061011, cellN080611, cellN61311"
#> tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., "internals")$edgeR_quasi_likelihood`

# volcano plot, minimal
counts_de %>%
  pivot_transcript() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = logFC, y = PValue, colour = FDR < 0.05)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10_reverse") +

We’ll extract the symbols for a few top genes (by P value) to use in a more informative volcano plot, integrating some of the packages in tidyverse.

topgenes_symbols <-
  counts_de %>%
  pivot_transcript() %>%
  arrange(PValue) %>%
  head(6) %>%

#> [1] "CACNB2"  "ZBTB16"  "PRSS35"  "PDPN"    "SPARCL1" "DUSP1"
counts_de %>%
  pivot_transcript() %>%

  # Subset data
  mutate(significant = FDR < 0.05 & abs(logFC) >= 2) %>%
  mutate(symbol = ifelse(symbol %in% topgenes_symbols, as.character(symbol), "")) %>%

  # Plot
  ggplot(aes(x = logFC, y = PValue, label = symbol)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = significant, size = significant, alpha = significant)) +
  geom_text_repel() +

  # Custom scales
  custom_theme +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10_reverse") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#e11f28")) +
  scale_size_discrete(range = c(0, 2))
#> Scale for 'colour' is already present. Adding another scale for 'colour',
#> which will replace the existing scale.

Automatic bibliography

Tidybulk provides a handy function called get_bibliography that keeps track of the references for the methods used in your tidybulk workflow. The references are in BibTeX format and can be imported into your reference manager.

#>  @Article{tidybulk,
#>   title = {tidybulk: an R tidy framework for modular transcriptomic data analysis},
#>   author = {Stefano Mangiola and Ramyar Molania and Ruining Dong and Maria A. Doyle & Anthony T. Papenfuss},
#>   journal = {Genome Biology},
#>   year = {2021},
#>   volume = {22},
#>   number = {42},
#>   url = {},
#>   }
#> @article{wickham2019welcome,
#>   title={Welcome to the Tidyverse},
#>   author={Wickham, Hadley and Averick, Mara and Bryan, Jennifer and Chang, Winston and McGowan, Lucy D'Agostino and Francois, Romain and Grolemund, Garrett and Hayes, Alex and Henry, Lionel and Hester, Jim and others},
#>   journal={Journal of Open Source Software},
#>   volume={4},
#>   number={43},
#>   pages={1686},
#>   year={2019}
#>  }
#> @article{robinson2010edger,
#>   title={edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data},
#>   author={Robinson, Mark D and McCarthy, Davis J and Smyth, Gordon K},
#>   journal={Bioinformatics},
#>   volume={26},
#>   number={1},
#>   pages={139--140},
#>   year={2010},
#>   publisher={Oxford University Press}
#>  }
#> @article{robinson2010scaling,
#>   title={A scaling normalization method for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data},
#>   author={Robinson, Mark D and Oshlack, Alicia},
#>   journal={Genome biology},
#>   volume={11},
#>   number={3},
#>   pages={1--9},
#>   year={2010},
#>   publisher={BioMed Central}
#>  }
#> @Manual{,
#>     title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
#>     author = {{R Core Team}},
#>     organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
#>     address = {Vienna, Austria},
#>     year = {2020},
#>     url = {},
#>   }
#> @article{lund2012detecting,
#>   title={Detecting differential expression in RNA-sequence data using quasi-likelihood with shrunken dispersion estimates},
#>   author={Lund, Steven P and Nettleton, Dan and McCarthy, Davis J and Smyth, Gordon K},
#>   journal={Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology},
#>   volume={11},
#>   number={5},
#>   year={2012},
#>   publisher={De Gruyter}
#>     }

Cell type composition analysis

If we are sequencing tissue samples, we may want to know what cell types are present and if there are differences in expression between them. tidybulk has a deconvolve_cellularity function that can help us do this.

For this example, we will use a subset of the breast cancer dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).

BRCA <- bioc2021tidytranscriptomics::BRCA 
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 198,374 × 5
#> [90m# Transcripts=9017 | Samples=22 | Assays=count[39m
#>    feature  sample       count  time event_occurred
#>    <chr>    <chr>        <int> <dbl>          <int>
#>  1 A1BG     TCGA-A2-A04P    13   102              1
#>  2 A1BG-AS1 TCGA-A2-A04P    61   102              1
#>  3 A2M      TCGA-A2-A04P 19277   102              1
#>  4 A2MP1    TCGA-A2-A04P     9   102              1
#>  5 AAAS     TCGA-A2-A04P  1917   102              1
#>  6 AACS     TCGA-A2-A04P  1998   102              1
#>  7 AADAT    TCGA-A2-A04P   212   102              1
#>  8 AAGAB    TCGA-A2-A04P  1194   102              1
#>  9 AAK1     TCGA-A2-A04P  1468   102              1
#> 10 AAMP     TCGA-A2-A04P  5798   102              1
#> # … with 40 more rows

With tidybulk, we can easily infer the proportions of cell types within a tissue using one of several published methods (Cibersort (Newman et al. 2015), EPIC (Racle et al. 2017) and llsr (Abbas et al. 2009)). Here we will use Cibersort which provides a default signature called LM22 to define the cell types. LM22 contains 547 genes that identify 22 human immune cell types.

BRCA_cell_type <-
  BRCA %>%
  deconvolve_cellularity(prefix="cibersort: ", cores = 1)

#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 198,374 × 27
#> [90m# Transcripts=9017 | Samples=22 | Assays=count[39m
#>    feature sample count  time event_occurred cibersort..B.ce… cibersort..B.ce…
#>    <chr>   <chr>  <int> <dbl>          <int>            <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1 A1BG    TCGA-…    13   102              1            0.201                0
#>  2 A1BG-A… TCGA-…    61   102              1            0.201                0
#>  3 A2M     TCGA-… 19277   102              1            0.201                0
#>  4 A2MP1   TCGA-…     9   102              1            0.201                0
#>  5 AAAS    TCGA-…  1917   102              1            0.201                0
#>  6 AACS    TCGA-…  1998   102              1            0.201                0
#>  7 AADAT   TCGA-…   212   102              1            0.201                0
#>  8 AAGAB   TCGA-…  1194   102              1            0.201                0
#>  9 AAK1    TCGA-…  1468   102              1            0.201                0
#> 10 AAMP    TCGA-…  5798   102              1            0.201                0
#> # … with 40 more rows, and 20 more variables: cibersort..Plasma.cells <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..T.cells.CD8 <dbl>, cibersort..T.cells.CD4.naive <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..T.cells.CD4.memory.resting <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..T.cells.CD4.memory.activated <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..T.cells.follicular.helper <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..T.cells.regulatory..Tregs. <dbl>,
#> # <dbl>, cibersort..NK.cells.resting <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..NK.cells.activated <dbl>, cibersort..Monocytes <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..Macrophages.M0 <dbl>, cibersort..Macrophages.M1 <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..Macrophages.M2 <dbl>, cibersort..Dendritic.cells.resting <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..Dendritic.cells.activated <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..Mast.cells.resting <dbl>, cibersort..Mast.cells.activated <dbl>,
#> #   cibersort..Eosinophils <dbl>, cibersort..Neutrophils <dbl>

Cell type proportions are added to the tibble as new columns. The prefix makes it easy to reshape the data frame if needed, for visualisation or further analyses.

BRCA_cell_type_long <-
  BRCA_cell_type %>%
  pivot_sample() %>%
  # Reshape
    names_prefix = "cibersort: ",
    names_to = "cell_type",
    values_to = "proportion"

#> # A tibble: 484 × 5
#>    sample        time event_occurred cell_type                        proportion
#>    <chr>        <dbl>          <int> <chr>                                 <dbl>
#>  1 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..B.cells.naive             0.201 
#>  2 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..B.cells.memory            0     
#>  3 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..Plasma.cells              0     
#>  4 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..T.cells.CD8               0.0297
#>  5 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..T.cells.CD4.naive         0     
#>  6 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..T.cells.CD4.memory.r…     0.0841
#>  7 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..T.cells.CD4.memory.a…     0     
#>  8 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..T.cells.follicular.h…     0.0556
#>  9 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1 cibersort..T.cells.regulatory..…     0.0484
#> 10 TCGA-A2-A04P   102              1       0     
#> # … with 474 more rows

We can plot the proportions of immune cell types for each patient.

BRCA_cell_type_long %>%

  # Plot proportions
  ggplot(aes(x = sample, y = proportion, fill = cell_type)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +

Challenge: What is the most abundant cell type overall in BRCA samples?
Select one of the multiple choice options in (code in Google doc).

Key Points

  • Bulk RNA sequencing data can be represented and analysed in a ‘tidy’ way using tidySummarizedExperiment, tidybulk and the tidyverse.
  • tidySummarizedExperiment enables us to visualise and manipulate a Bioconductor SummarizedExperiment object as if it were in tidy data format.
  • tidybulk allows streamlined multi-method analyses
  • tidybulk allow easy analyses of cell-type composition

Part 2 Single-cell RNA sequencing with tidySingleCellExperiment

A typical single-cell RNA sequencing workflow is shown in Background information. We don’t have time in this workshop to go into depth on each step but you can read more about single-cell RNA sequencing workflows in the online book Orchestrating Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor.

In Part 1, we showed how we can study the cell-type composition of a biological sample using bulk RNA sequencing. Single-cell sequencing enables a more direct estimation of cell-type composition and gives a greater resolution. For bulk RNA sequencing, we need to infer the cell types using the abundance of transcripts in the whole sample. With single-cell RNA sequencing, we can directly measure the transcripts in each cell and then classify the cells into cell types.

Introduction to tidySingleCellExperiment

The single-cell RNA sequencing data used here is 3000 cells in total, subsetted from 20 samples from 10 peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) datasets. The datasets are from GSE115189/SRR7244582 (Freytag et al. 2018), SRR11038995 [Cai et al. (2020), SCP345 (, SCP424 (Ding et al. 2020), SCP591 (Karagiannis et al. 2020) and 10x-derived 6K and 8K datasets ( The data is in SingleCellExperiment format (Amezquita et al. 2019). SingleCellExperiment is a very popular container of single-cell RNA sequencing data.

Similar to what we saw with tidySummarizedExperiment, tidySingleCellExperiment package enables any SingleCellExperiment object to be displayed and manipulated according to tidy data principles without affecting any SingleCellExperiment behaviour.

If we load the tidySingleCellExperiment package and then view the PBMC data, it displays as a tibble.

# load pbmc single cell RNA sequencing data
pbmc <- bioc2021tidytranscriptomics::pbmc

# take a look
#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 3,000 × 8
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=counts, logcounts[39m
#>    cell    file      orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  S.Score G2M.Score ident
#>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>           <dbl>        <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>
#>  1 CCAGTC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3421          979 -5.42e-2  -0.0107  G1   
#>  2 ATGAGC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2752          898 -5.01e-2  -0.00416 G1   
#>  3 TATGAA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2114          937 -2.95e-5  -0.0229  G1   
#>  4 CATATA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3122         1086 -6.65e-2  -0.0488  G1   
#>  5 GAGGCA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2341          957 -3.74e-3   0.0241  G2M  
#>  6 AGCTGC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       5472         1758 -5.88e-2   0.00241 G2M  
#>  7 TGATTA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       1258          542 -2.51e-2  -0.0269  G1   
#>  8 ACGAAG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       7683         1926 -1.33e-1  -0.116   G1   
#>  9 CGGCAT… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3500         1092 -6.87e-2  -0.0622  G1   
#> 10 ATAGCG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3092          974 -1.24e-2  -0.0271  G1   
#> # … with 2,990 more rows

It can be interacted with using SingleCellExperiment commands such as assayNames.

#> [1] "counts"    "logcounts"

We can also interact with our object as we do with any tidyverse tibble.

Tidyverse commands

And now we can also use tidyverse commands, such as filter, select and mutate to explore the tidySingleCellExperiment object. Some examples are shown below and more can be seen at the tidySingleCellExperiment website here. We can also use the tidyverse pipe %>%. This ‘pipes’ the output from the command on the left into the command on the right/below. Using the pipe is not essential but it reduces the amount of code we need to write when we have multiple steps. It also can make the steps clearer and easier to see. For more details on the pipe see here.

We can use filter to choose rows, for example, to see just the rows for the cells in G1 cell-cycle stage.

pbmc %>% filter(ident == "G1")
#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 1,728 × 8
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=counts, logcounts[39m
#>    cell    file      orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  S.Score G2M.Score ident
#>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>           <dbl>        <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>
#>  1 CCAGTC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3421          979 -5.42e-2 -0.0107   G1   
#>  2 ATGAGC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2752          898 -5.01e-2 -0.00416  G1   
#>  3 TATGAA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2114          937 -2.95e-5 -0.0229   G1   
#>  4 CATATA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3122         1086 -6.65e-2 -0.0488   G1   
#>  5 TGATTA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       1258          542 -2.51e-2 -0.0269   G1   
#>  6 ACGAAG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       7683         1926 -1.33e-1 -0.116    G1   
#>  7 CGGCAT… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3500         1092 -6.87e-2 -0.0622   G1   
#>  8 ATAGCG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3092          974 -1.24e-2 -0.0271   G1   
#>  9 CTATAG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2637          949 -3.10e-2 -0.0473   G1   
#> 10 ACGTTG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2379          888 -5.82e-2 -0.000362 G1   
#> # … with 1,718 more rows

We can use select to choose columns, for example, to see the sample, cell, total cellular RNA

pbmc %>% select(cell, nCount_RNA , ident)
#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 3,000 × 3
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=counts, logcounts[39m
#>    cell             nCount_RNA ident
#>    <chr>                 <dbl> <fct>
#>  1 CCAGTCACACTGGT-1       3421 G1   
#>  2 ATGAGCACATCTTC-1       2752 G1   
#>  3 TATGAATGGAGGAC-1       2114 G1   
#>  4 CATATAGACTAAGC-1       3122 G1   
#>  5 GAGGCAGACTTGCC-1       2341 G2M  
#>  6 AGCTGCCTTTCATC-1       5472 G2M  
#>  7 TGATTAGATGACTG-1       1258 G1   
#>  8 ACGAAGCTCTGAGT-1       7683 G1   
#>  9 CGGCATCTTCGTAG-1       3500 G1   
#> 10 ATAGCGTGCCCTTG-1       3092 G1   
#> # … with 2,990 more rows

We can use mutate to create a column. For example, we could create a new ident_l column that contains a lower-case varsion of ident.

pbmc %>%
  mutate(ident_l=tolower(ident)) %>%
  # select columns to view    
  select(ident, ident_l)
#> tidySingleCellExperiment says: Key columns are missing. A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.
#> # A tibble: 3,000 × 2
#>    ident ident_l
#>    <fct> <chr>  
#>  1 G1    g1     
#>  2 G1    g1     
#>  3 G1    g1     
#>  4 G1    g1     
#>  5 G2M   g2m    
#>  6 G2M   g2m    
#>  7 G1    g1     
#>  8 G1    g1     
#>  9 G1    g1     
#> 10 G1    g1     
#> # … with 2,990 more rows

Join datasets

We can join datasets as if they were tibbles

pbmc %>% bind_rows(pbmc)
#> Warning in bind_rows.SingleCellExperiment(., pbmc): tidySingleCellExperiment
#> says: you have duplicated cell names, they will be made unique.
#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 6,000 × 8
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=counts, logcounts[39m
#>    cell    file      orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  S.Score G2M.Score ident
#>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>           <dbl>        <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>
#>  1 CCAGTC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3421          979 -5.42e-2  -0.0107  G1   
#>  2 ATGAGC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2752          898 -5.01e-2  -0.00416 G1   
#>  3 TATGAA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2114          937 -2.95e-5  -0.0229  G1   
#>  4 CATATA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3122         1086 -6.65e-2  -0.0488  G1   
#>  5 GAGGCA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       2341          957 -3.74e-3   0.0241  G2M  
#>  6 AGCTGC… ../data/… SeuratPro…       5472         1758 -5.88e-2   0.00241 G2M  
#>  7 TGATTA… ../data/… SeuratPro…       1258          542 -2.51e-2  -0.0269  G1   
#>  8 ACGAAG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       7683         1926 -1.33e-1  -0.116   G1   
#>  9 CGGCAT… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3500         1092 -6.87e-2  -0.0622  G1   
#> 10 ATAGCG… ../data/… SeuratPro…       3092          974 -1.24e-2  -0.0271  G1   
#> # … with 5,990 more rows

Setting up the data

In this case, we want to polish an annotation column. We will extract the sample, dataset and group information from the file name column into separate columns.

# First take a look at the file column
pbmc %>% select(file)
#> tidySingleCellExperiment says: Key columns are missing. A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.
#> # A tibble: 3,000 × 1
#>    file                                                
#>    <chr>                                               
#>  1 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  2 ../data/GSE115189_2/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  3 ../data/GSE115189_2/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  4 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  5 ../data/GSE115189_2/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  6 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  7 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  8 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#>  9 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#> 10 ../data/GSE115189_1/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#> # … with 2,990 more rows
# Create columns for sample, dataset and groups
pbmc <-
  pbmc %>%

  # Extract sample and group
  extract(file, "sample", "../data/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/outs.+", remove = FALSE) %>%

  # Extract data source
  extract(file, c("dataset", "groups"), "../data/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)_([0-9])/outs.+")

# Take a look
pbmc %>% select(sample, dataset, groups)
#> tidySingleCellExperiment says: Key columns are missing. A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.
#> # A tibble: 3,000 × 3
#>    sample      dataset   groups
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <chr> 
#>  1 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#>  2 GSE115189_2 GSE115189 2     
#>  3 GSE115189_2 GSE115189 2     
#>  4 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#>  5 GSE115189_2 GSE115189 2     
#>  6 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#>  7 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#>  8 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#>  9 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#> 10 GSE115189_1 GSE115189 1     
#> # … with 2,990 more rows

Quality control

A key quality control step performed in single-cell analyses is the assessment of the proportion of mitochondrial transcripts. A high mitochondrial count indicates cell death, and it is useful for filtering cells in a dying state.

We’ll first show the mitochondrial analysis for one of the 10 datasets.

one_dataset <- pbmc %>% filter(dataset =="GSE115189")

We get the chromosomal location for each gene in the dataset so we can identify the mitochondrial genes. We’ll get a warning that some of the ids don’t find a match, but it should be just a small proportion.

location <- mapIds(
  keys = rownames(one_dataset),
  column = "SEQNAME",
  keytype = "SYMBOL"
#> Warning: Unable to map 5313 of 51958 requested IDs.

Next we calculate the mitchondrial content for each cell in the dataset.

mito_info_one_dataset <- perCellQCMetrics(one_dataset, subsets = list(Mito = which(location == "MT")))

#> DataFrame with 300 rows and 6 columns
#>                        sum  detected subsets_Mito_sum subsets_Mito_detected
#>                  <numeric> <integer>        <numeric>             <integer>
#> CCAGTCACACTGGT-1      3421       979              132                    11
#> ATGAGCACATCTTC-1      2752       898               33                     9
#> TATGAATGGAGGAC-1      2114       937               21                     7
#> CATATAGACTAAGC-1      3122      1086               54                    10
#> GAGGCAGACTTGCC-1      2341       957               30                    10
#> ...                    ...       ...              ...                   ...
#> GATATCCTAGAAGT-1      2432       925               34                    10
#> GAACCAACTTCCGC-1      1682       819               34                     9
#> CGACGTCTGAGGCA-1      1136       448               16                     8
#> TCAGCAGACTCCAC-1      2807       931               30                     9
#> AACACGTGTACGAC-1      3743      1250              105                    12
#>                  subsets_Mito_percent     total
#>                             <numeric> <numeric>
#> CCAGTCACACTGGT-1             3.858521      3421
#> ATGAGCACATCTTC-1             1.199128      2752
#> TATGAATGGAGGAC-1             0.993377      2114
#> CATATAGACTAAGC-1             1.729660      3122
#> GAGGCAGACTTGCC-1             1.281504      2341
#> ...                               ...       ...
#> GATATCCTAGAAGT-1              1.39803      2432
#> GAACCAACTTCCGC-1              2.02140      1682
#> CGACGTCTGAGGCA-1              1.40845      1136
#> TCAGCAGACTCCAC-1              1.06876      2807
#> AACACGTGTACGAC-1              2.80524      3743

We then label the cells with high mitochondrial content as outliers.

mito_info_one_dataset <- mito_info_one_dataset %>%
      # Converting to tibble
      as_tibble(rownames = "cell") %>%

      # Label cells with high mitochondrial content
      mutate(high_mitochondrion = isOutlier(subsets_Mito_percent, type = "higher"))

#> # A tibble: 300 × 8
#>    cell    sum detected subsets_Mito_sum subsets_Mito_de… subsets_Mito_pe… total
#>    <chr> <dbl>    <int>            <dbl>            <int>            <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 CCAG…  3421      979              132               11            3.86   3421
#>  2 ATGA…  2752      898               33                9            1.20   2752
#>  3 TATG…  2114      937               21                7            0.993  2114
#>  4 CATA…  3122     1086               54               10            1.73   3122
#>  5 GAGG…  2341      957               30               10            1.28   2341
#>  6 AGCT…  5472     1758              169               13            3.09   5472
#>  7 TGAT…  1258      542               41                9            3.26   1258
#>  8 ACGA…  7683     1926              276               14            3.59   7683
#>  9 CGGC…  3500     1092               75               10            2.14   3500
#> 10 ATAG…  3092      974               37               10            1.20   3092
#> # … with 290 more rows, and 1 more variable: high_mitochondrion <otlr.flt>

Finally, we join the mitochondrial information back to the original data so we will be able to filter out the cells with high mitochondrial content.

mito_info_one_dataset <- left_join(one_dataset, mito_info_one_dataset, by = "cell")

#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 300 × 17
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=counts, logcounts[39m
#>    cell  dataset groups sample orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  S.Score
#>    <chr> <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>           <dbl>        <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 CCAG… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3421          979 -5.42e-2
#>  2 ATGA… GSE115… 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2752          898 -5.01e-2
#>  3 TATG… GSE115… 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2114          937 -2.95e-5
#>  4 CATA… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3122         1086 -6.65e-2
#>  5 GAGG… GSE115… 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2341          957 -3.74e-3
#>  6 AGCT… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       5472         1758 -5.88e-2
#>  7 TGAT… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       1258          542 -2.51e-2
#>  8 ACGA… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       7683         1926 -1.33e-1
#>  9 CGGC… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3500         1092 -6.87e-2
#> 10 ATAG… GSE115… 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3092          974 -1.24e-2
#> # … with 290 more rows, and 9 more variables: G2M.Score <dbl>, ident <fct>,
#> #   sum <dbl>, detected <int>, subsets_Mito_sum <dbl>,
#> #   subsets_Mito_detected <int>, subsets_Mito_percent <dbl>, total <dbl>,
#> #   high_mitochondrion <otlr.flt>

The steps above perform the mitochondrial QC analysis for one dataset. To analyse all 10 datasets, we could repeat the steps for each dataset or create a function and apply it to each dataset. However, a more efficient way is to use nesting. We can nest our data by dataset.

pbmc = bioc2021tidytranscriptomics::mito_info_all_datasets 

We can use tidyverse to reshape the data and create beeswarm plots to visualise the mitochondrial content.

pbmc %>%

  # Reshaping
  pivot_longer(c(detected, sum, subsets_Mito_percent)) %>%
    x = dataset, y = value,
    color = high_mitochondrion,
    alpha = high_mitochondrion,
    size = high_mitochondrion
  )) +

  # Plotting
  geom_quasirandom() +
  facet_wrap(~name, scale = "free_y") +

  # Customisation
  scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#e11f28")) +
  scale_size_discrete(range = c(0, 2)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 50, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
#> tidySingleCellExperiment says: A data frame is returned for independent data analysis.

In the faceted plot, “detected” is the number of genes in each of the 10 datasets, “sum” is the total counts.

We then proceed to filter out cells with high mitochondrial content.

pbmc <- pbmc %>% filter(!high_mitochondrion)

Scaling and Integrating

As we are working with multiple datasets, we need to integrate them and adjust for technical variability between them. Here we’ll nest by dataset (batch), normalise within each batch with multiBatchNorm and correct for batch effects with fastMNN.

# Scaling within each dataset
pbmc <-
  pbmc %>%

  # Define batch
  mutate(batch = dataset) %>%
  nest(data = -batch) %>%

  # Normalisation   
  mutate(data = multiBatchNorm(data)) %>%

  # Integration
  pull(data) %>%
  fastMNN() %>%
  # Join old information
  left_join(pbmc %>% as_tibble())
# Load the integrated dataset
pbmc = bioc2021tidytranscriptomics::pbmc_integrated 

Identify clusters

We proceed with identifying cell clusters.

# Assign clusters to the 'colLabels'
# of the SingleCellExperiment object
colLabels(pbmc) <- # from SingleCellExperiment
  pbmc %>%
  buildSNNGraph(use.dimred="corrected") %>% # from scran - shared nearest neighbour
  cluster_walktrap() %$% # from igraph
  membership %>%

# Reorder columns
pbmc %>% select(label, everything())
#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 2,899 × 24
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=reconstructed[39m
#>    cell  label batch groups sample orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  S.Score
#>    <chr> <fct> <int> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>           <dbl>        <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 CCAG… 5         1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3421          979 -5.42e-2
#>  2 ATGA… 2         1 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2752          898 -5.01e-2
#>  3 TATG… 7         1 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2114          937 -2.95e-5
#>  4 CATA… 11        1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3122         1086 -6.65e-2
#>  5 GAGG… 1         1 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2341          957 -3.74e-3
#>  6 AGCT… 3         1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       5472         1758 -5.88e-2
#>  7 TGAT… 4         1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       1258          542 -2.51e-2
#>  8 ACGA… 4         1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       7683         1926 -1.33e-1
#>  9 CGGC… 5         1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3500         1092 -6.87e-2
#> 10 ATAG… 5         1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3092          974 -1.24e-2
#> # … with 2,889 more rows, and 15 more variables: G2M.Score <dbl>, ident <fct>,
#> #   sum <dbl>, detected <int>, subsets_Mito_sum <dbl>,
#> #   subsets_Mito_detected <int>, subsets_Mito_percent <dbl>, total <dbl>,
#> #   high_mitochondrion <lgl>, dataset <chr>, corrected1 <dbl>,
#> #   corrected2 <dbl>, corrected3 <dbl>, corrected4 <dbl>, corrected5 <dbl>

Thanks to tidySingleCellExperiment we can interrogate the object with tidyverse commands and use count to count the number of cells in each cluster.

Reduce dimensions

Besides PCA which is a linear dimensionality reduction, we can apply neighbour aware methods such as UMAP, to better define locally similar cells.

# Calculate UMAP with scater
pbmc %>%
runUMAP(ncomponents = 2, dimred="corrected") # from scater
#> # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 2,899 × 26
#> [90m# Features=51958 | Assays=reconstructed[39m
#>    cell  batch groups sample orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  S.Score
#>    <chr> <int> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>           <dbl>        <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 CCAG…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3421          979 -5.42e-2
#>  2 ATGA…     1 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2752          898 -5.01e-2
#>  3 TATG…     1 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2114          937 -2.95e-5
#>  4 CATA…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3122         1086 -6.65e-2
#>  5 GAGG…     1 2      GSE11… SeuratPro…       2341          957 -3.74e-3
#>  6 AGCT…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       5472         1758 -5.88e-2
#>  7 TGAT…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       1258          542 -2.51e-2
#>  8 ACGA…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       7683         1926 -1.33e-1
#>  9 CGGC…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3500         1092 -6.87e-2
#> 10 ATAG…     1 1      GSE11… SeuratPro…       3092          974 -1.24e-2
#> # … with 2,889 more rows, and 18 more variables: G2M.Score <dbl>, ident <fct>,
#> #   sum <dbl>, detected <int>, subsets_Mito_sum <dbl>,
#> #   subsets_Mito_detected <int>, subsets_Mito_percent <dbl>, total <dbl>,
#> #   high_mitochondrion <lgl>, dataset <chr>, label <fct>, corrected1 <dbl>,
#> #   corrected2 <dbl>, corrected3 <dbl>, corrected4 <dbl>, corrected5 <dbl>,
#> #   UMAP1 <dbl>, UMAP2 <dbl>
Challenge: Is the variability of the 1st UMAP dimension when calculating 2 components (ncomponents = 2) equal/more/less than when calculating 3 components?
Select one of the multiple choice options in (code in Google doc).

Tip: your can use as_tibble() to convert the tibble abstraction to a simple (and light) cell-wise tibble

We can calculate the first 3 UMAP dimensions using the scater framework.

# Calculate UMAP with scater
pbmc <-
  pbmc %>%
  runUMAP(ncomponents = 3, dimred="corrected") # from scater

And we can plot the clusters as a 3D plot using plotly. This time we are colouring by estimated cluster labels to visually check the cluster labels.

pbmc %>%
    x = ~`UMAP1`,
    y = ~`UMAP2`,
    z = ~`UMAP3`,
    colors = friendly_cols[1:10],
    color = ~label,

Key Points

  • Some basic steps of a single-cell RNA sequencing analysis are dimensionality reduction and cluster identification
  • tidySingleCellExperiment is an invisible layer that operates on a SingleCellExperiment object and enables us to visualise and manipulate data as if it were a tidy data frame.
  • tidySingleCellExperiment object is a SingleCellExperiment object so it can be used with any SingleCellExperiment compatible method


If you want to suggest improvements for this workshop or ask questions, you can do so as described here.


Record package and version information with sessionInfo

#> R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
#> Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#>  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
#>  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=C             
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
#> [8] base     
#> other attached packages:
#>  [1] tidySingleCellExperiment_1.3.2 ggbeeswarm_0.6.0              
#>  [3] celldex_1.3.0                  EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86_2.99.0     
#>  [5] ensembldb_2.17.4               AnnotationFilter_1.17.1       
#>  [7] GenomicFeatures_1.45.1         AnnotationDbi_1.55.1          
#>  [9] SingleR_1.7.1                  batchelor_1.9.1               
#> [11] igraph_1.2.6                   scran_1.21.3                  
#> [13] scater_1.21.3                  scuttle_1.3.1                 
#> [15] SingleCellExperiment_1.15.2    tidySummarizedExperiment_1.3.0
#> [17] tidybulk_1.5.0                 GGally_2.1.2                  
#> [19] ggrepel_0.9.1                  plotly_4.9.4.1                
#> [21] purrr_0.3.4                    ggplot2_3.3.5                 
#> [23] stringr_1.4.0                  readr_2.0.1                   
#> [25] tidyr_1.1.3                    dplyr_1.0.7                   
#> [27] tibble_3.1.3                   airway_1.13.0                 
#> [29] SummarizedExperiment_1.23.2    Biobase_2.53.0                
#> [31] GenomicRanges_1.45.0           GenomeInfoDb_1.29.3           
#> [33] IRanges_2.27.2                 S4Vectors_0.31.1              
#> [35] BiocGenerics_0.39.2            MatrixGenerics_1.5.3          
#> [37] matrixStats_0.60.1            
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>   [1] utf8_1.2.2                        tidyselect_1.1.1                 
#>   [3] RSQLite_2.2.8                     htmlwidgets_1.5.3                
#>   [5] grid_4.1.0                        BiocParallel_1.27.4              
#>   [7] munsell_0.5.0                     ScaledMatrix_1.1.0               
#>   [9] ragg_1.1.3                        preprocessCore_1.55.2            
#>  [11] statmod_1.4.36                    withr_2.4.2                      
#>  [13] colorspace_2.0-2                  filelock_1.0.2                   
#>  [15] highr_0.9                         knitr_1.33                       
#>  [17] labeling_0.4.2                    GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.6           
#>  [19] bit64_4.0.5                       farver_2.1.0                     
#>  [21] pheatmap_1.0.12                   rprojroot_2.0.2                  
#>  [23] vctrs_0.3.8                       generics_0.1.0                   
#>  [25] xfun_0.25                         dittoSeq_1.5.1                   
#>  [27] BiocFileCache_2.1.1               R6_2.5.1                         
#>  [29] rsvd_1.0.5                        locfit_1.5-9.4                   
#>  [31] bitops_1.0-7                      cachem_1.0.6                     
#>  [33] reshape_0.8.8                     DelayedArray_0.19.1              
#>  [35] assertthat_0.2.1                  promises_1.2.0.1                 
#>  [37] BiocIO_1.3.0                      scales_1.1.1                     
#>  [39] beeswarm_0.4.0                    gtable_0.3.0                     
#>  [41] beachmat_2.9.1                    rlang_0.4.11                     
#>  [43] genefilter_1.75.1                 systemfonts_1.0.2                
#>  [45] splines_4.1.0                     rtracklayer_1.53.1               
#>  [47] lazyeval_0.2.2                    BiocManager_1.30.16              
#>  [49] yaml_2.2.1                        httpuv_1.6.2                     
#>  [51] tools_4.1.0                       ellipsis_0.3.2                   
#>  [53] jquerylib_0.1.4                   RColorBrewer_1.1-2               
#>  [55] proxy_0.4-26                      ggridges_0.5.3                   
#>  [57] Rcpp_1.0.7                        plyr_1.8.6                       
#>  [59] sparseMatrixStats_1.5.2           progress_1.2.2                   
#>  [61] zlibbioc_1.39.0                   RCurl_1.98-1.4                   
#>  [63] prettyunits_1.1.1                 viridis_0.6.1                    
#>  [65] cowplot_1.1.1                     bioc2021tidytranscriptomics_0.9.1
#>  [67] cluster_2.1.2                     fs_1.5.0                         
#>  [69] magrittr_2.0.1                    RSpectra_0.16-0                  
#>  [71] data.table_1.14.0                 ResidualMatrix_1.3.0             
#>  [73] ProtGenerics_1.25.1               mime_0.11                        
#>  [75] hms_1.1.0                         evaluate_0.14                    
#>  [77] xtable_1.8-4                      XML_3.99-0.7                     
#>  [79] gridExtra_2.3                     compiler_4.1.0                   
#>  [81] biomaRt_2.49.4                    crayon_1.4.1                     
#>  [83] htmltools_0.5.1.1                 later_1.3.0                      
#>  [85] tzdb_0.1.2                        geneplotter_1.71.0               
#>  [87] DBI_1.1.1                         ExperimentHub_2.1.4              
#>  [89] dbplyr_2.1.1                      rappdirs_0.3.3                   
#>  [91] Matrix_1.3-4                      cli_3.0.1                        
#>  [93] parallel_4.1.0                    metapod_1.1.0                    
#>  [95] pkgconfig_2.0.3                   pkgdown_1.6.1                    
#>  [97] GenomicAlignments_1.29.0          xml2_1.3.2                       
#>  [99] annotate_1.71.0                   vipor_0.4.5                      
#> [101] bslib_0.2.5.1                     dqrng_0.3.0                      
#> [103] XVector_0.33.0                    digest_0.6.27                    
#> [105] Biostrings_2.61.2                 rmarkdown_2.10                   
#> [107] uwot_0.1.10                       edgeR_3.35.0                     
#> [109] DelayedMatrixStats_1.15.2         restfulr_0.0.13                  
#> [111] curl_4.3.2                        shiny_1.6.0                      
#> [113] Rsamtools_2.9.1                   rjson_0.2.20                     
#> [115] lifecycle_1.0.0                   jsonlite_1.7.2                   
#> [117] BiocNeighbors_1.11.0              desc_1.3.0                       
#> [119] viridisLite_0.4.0                 limma_3.49.4                     
#> [121] fansi_0.5.0                       pillar_1.6.2                     
#> [123] lattice_0.20-44                   KEGGREST_1.33.0                  
#> [125] fastmap_1.1.0                     httr_1.4.2                       
#> [127] survival_3.2-11                   interactiveDisplayBase_1.31.2    
#> [129] glue_1.4.2                        FNN_1.1.3                        
#> [131] png_0.1-7                         bluster_1.3.0                    
#> [133] BiocVersion_3.14.0                bit_4.0.4                        
#> [135] class_7.3-19                      stringi_1.7.3                    
#> [137] sass_0.4.0                        blob_1.2.2                       
#> [139] textshaping_0.3.5                 DESeq2_1.33.4                    
#> [141]               BiocSingular_1.9.1               
#> [143] AnnotationHub_3.1.5               memoise_2.0.0                    
#> [145] irlba_2.3.3                       e1071_1.7-8


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